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Management Board of PORR S.A. is composed of experienced managers who have been associated with the construction industry for many years, who manage the company's activities in accordance with the designated business strategy. The combination of their extensive technical knowledge and managerial competences allows them to manage the company in a way that ensures its sustainable and stable development on the Polish market.

President of the Management Board of PORR S.A. is Piotr Kledzik. The role of Vice-President of the Management Board is performed by Jakub Chojnacki, CFO, who is also responsible for the ESG area.

The work of individual divisions is supervised by the following members of the Management Board: Maciej Barycki (industrial construction), Krzysztof Laskowski (infrastructural construction), Tomasz Rakowski (geotechnical construction), Dariusz Wietrzyński (building construction) and Siegfried Weindok (railway construction). 

Supervisory Board

Reinhold Pfeifer
Jürgen Manfred Raschendorfer
Klemens Alfred Eiter