Power station construction is a particularly important and forward-looking direction of development, as society’s energy demands continue to grow. Our aim is to meet these requirements for professional, industrial and municipal power engineering to the best of our ability. Thanks to our team of specialists and the modern technologies at our disposal, we can execute industrial and energy projects and deliver turnkey systems.
We also offer our services as part of a consortium and as a subcontractor with other contractors and technology providers, including for power stations, chemical and petrochemical plants, heating and district heating stations, and industrial facilities.
Our services range from planning, organising deliveries of materials, installing energy devices and pipework and performing all installation work through to commissioning and handover. In terms of environmental construction, we offer the complete construction of flue gas desulphurisation plants, sewage treatment plants, waste processing plants and water treatment stations as well as the modernisation and expansion of such facilities. Our services also include the construction of fuel lines (pipework and gas mains), gas collection systems, liquid fuel stores and technological systems for transmission lines. We perform our work with the utmost professionalism and in accordance with strict engineering standards and project management regulations.