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PORR baut in Polen Umfahrungsstraße für Nowe Miasto Lubawskie

Auftragsvolumen: rd. EUR 62,5 Mio.

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PORR mit zwei neuen Großprojekten in Polen

Auftragsvolumen: rd. EUR 148 Mio.

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PORR certified for Compliance Management System

Vienna, 27 November 2017 – PORR is the first listed company in Austria to receive three certificates for its Compliance Management System: in addition to the Austrian standard “ONR 192050”, the construction company has fulfilled the requirements of the international norms “ISO 19600” and the new “ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems”. The certificates were issued by AUSTRIAN STANDARDS and…

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PORR wins another railway tender in Poland

Order volume: approx. EUR 43 mn

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PORR to modernise railway line in south of Poland

Order volume: approx. EUR 97m.

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PORR in the first half of 2017: Decline in earnings less pronounced than expected; sharp increase in production output

Vienna, 30 August 2017 – In the first half of 2017 PORR achieved a sharp rise in production output and a record order backlog coupled with weaker earnings. The main factors behind the decrease were lower contributions to earnings in Germany and Qatar. The political turbulence in Qatar led to higher costs because of more complex logistics and procurement processes, whereby all projects are…

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bee@PORR: PORR builds homes for bees

Vienna, 28 August 2017 – Under the motto “Bee aware and care”, PORR and its subsidiaries are taking proactive steps across the Group to counteract the decline in bees. Thanks to the initiative bee@PORR, bee populations now have a home at more than 30 locations. But PORR’s commitment goes even further: encouraging young apiarists with further education and training measures. Bee populations are…

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PORR significantly expands production output in Q1/2017

Production output up by 18.4% in the first quarter to EUR 768mRecord order backlog of EUR 5,527m significantly higher than previous yearWeather conditions cause EBT to decline by EUR -11.0m against Q1/2016Positive outlook for full business year 2017 Vienna, 30 May 2017 – PORR has started the 2017 business year with a strong performance in the first quarter. Against a challenging backdrop, PORR…

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Two become one: PORR merges Polish subsidiaries

Warsaw, 4 May 2017 – With the fusion of PORR Polska Infrastructure and PORR Polska Construction, the PORR management anticipates further dynamic growth on the Polish market. Potential, synergies and expertise are set to be exploited even more effectively and the team deployed more efficiently. With over 1,500 staff members, the new PORR S.A. should generate production output of over PLN 2 bn…

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Intelligentes Bauen heißt, Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

Neuer Werthaltigkeitsbericht der PORR ab sofort online.

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