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PORR has solid start with first quarter 2020

Year starts with top order backlog of EUR 7.3 bn First COVID-19 impacts on production output and earnings Focus on transformation and liquidity Long-term trend intact – construction industry benefits Vienna, 27.05.2020 – PORR has had a solid start to 2020. The high order backlog of more than EUR 7 bn also provides a solid foundation. Production output stood at EUR 942m, of which 94% was…

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PORR & Mota-Engil consortium’s S1 contract worth almost PLN 1 bn

Warsaw, 14.05.2020 – A consortium of PORR S.A. (leader) and Mota-Engil Central Europe S.A. has signed a contract with the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways for designing and building the 15-km long S1 express road section from Oświęcim to Dankowice. It is the longest of the three sections planned to be built as part of the new S1 section between Mysłowice and Bielsko-Biała. The…

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PORR: Record order backlog provides grounds for confidence

Top values in production output and order backlog Earnings of EUR 37.4m achieved as per guidance Non-payment of dividend as precautionary measure and sign of solidarity Long-term trend intact – construction industry benefits Vienna, 27.04.2020 – PORR has concluded its year of consolidation, 2019, with a robust foundation. Stability is ensured by the strong order backlog of more than EUR…

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PORR S.A. will upgrade DK18 to meet motorway parameters

Warsaw, 24.04.2020 – The General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways and PORR S.A. signed a contract for the reconstruction and upgrade of a nearly 12-km long section of national road no. 18 to meet motorway parameters. The section to be modernized starts at the Polish-German border and finishes behind the interchange Żary Zachów in the lubuskie voivodeship. The gross contract volume…

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PORR S.A. will modernise railway line LK 207 Toruń - Chełmża

Warsaw, 18.03.2020 - PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe and PORR S.A. have signed a contract for the design and revitalisation of railway line no. 207 between Toruń East and Chełmża. The net contract volume amounts to more than 139 million Polish zlotys (ca. EUR 31 m). The task will be completed within 26 months.

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Preliminary figures 2019: PORR with strong order backlog, guidance confirmed

Production output of EUR 5.6 bn again at record level Momentum from high order backlog of EUR 7.1 bn Guidance for earnings and dividends confirmed Stable net debt, strong liquidity 2020 targets: Output at previous year’s level EBT margin 2020: 1.3% - 1.5%   Vienna, 10.03.2020 – PORR ended its 2019 year of consolidation with a high order backlog that again surpassed the…

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PORR S.A. will modernise a section of the strategic LK E59 railway line

Warsaw, 27.01.2020 – PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe and PORR S.A. have signed an agreement for modernising railway line E59 running from Poznań to Szczecin, in the section from Krzyż to Dobiegniew. The task will be implemented under the project „Works on railway line E59 in the section Wronki – Słonice”. The contract’s net value is more than PLN 374m (ca. EUR 88m), and the date of completing the…

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PORR signs largest railway order in Poland to date

Vienna/Warsaw, 19.09.2019 - PORR has been charged with the complex modernisation of a section of the critical railway line no. 131. The construction contract with PKP PLK S.A. was signed on September 17 in Łódź in the presence of representatives from business and politics. Worth around EUR 290m (PLN 1,238m), the contract is by far the largest railway construction order to date for PORR in Poland.…

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PORR AG: Record order backlog facilitates consolidation

Record order backlog of EUR 7.6 bn EBT of EUR 8.2m above previous year’s level Full order book facilitates consolidation PORR 2025 transformation programme initiated Outlook 2019: Moderate rise on previous year’s high production output   Vienna, 29.08.2019 - PORR’s record order backlog of EUR 7,600m in the first half of 2019 has secured full capacity utilisation for the future. The…

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PORR erhält Zuschlag für SKYSAWA Hochbau-Projekt in Warschau

Warschau/Wien, 26.06.2019 – Die an der Warschauer Börse notierte Polski Holding Nieruchomości (PHN) hat mit der PORR einen Vertrag über den Bau des 155 Meter hohen SKYSAWA Hochbaus unterzeichnet. Der aus zwei Gebäuden bestehende Büro- und Geschäftskomplex wird an der Świętokrzyska 36 in Warschau errichtet. Das Auftragsvolumen beläuft sich auf rd. EUR 75,6 Mio. (rd. PLN 325,17 Mio.). Die…

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