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[Translate to English:] PORR z umową dla J.W. Construction

Warszawa, 5.03.2021 - J.W. Construction Holding S.A. wybrało PORR S.A. na Generalnego Wykonawcę swojej pierwszej inwestycji w Gdańsku. Deweloper zlecił PORR wybudowanie zespołu mieszkaniowo-usługowego Horizon.

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Extension of the onshore part of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście with building permit

Warsaw, 11.02.2021 – The consortium composed of PORR S.A. and TGE Gas Engineering GmbH received the building permit for extending the onshore part of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście named after President Lech Kaczyński. The decision was issued almost five months before the assumed deadline in the investment project’s time schedule. The contract for the design and extension of the LNG Terminal was…

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PORR will reconstruct building at 18 Senatorska Street

Warsaw, 9.02.2021 - PORR S.A. signed a contract with Sibsen Invest for reconstruction and interior design works for new tenants of the existing building at 18/18 AB Senatorska Street in Warsaw. The investment project will be completed by the end of October 2021.

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PORR will raise buildings at 23 Kościelna Street

Warsaw, 8.02.2021 - PORR S.A. signed a contract with Constructa Plus for the implementation of the building construction project called ‘Kościelna 23’. Within 20 months, in Poznań’s Kościelna Street, two mixed-use buildings will rise which were designed for residential, retail and commercial purposes and cover a total area of 34,000 square metres.

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Tunnel boring in Świnoujście is drawing near

Warsaw, 13.01.2021 – Since December 2020, on Uznam Island works for the assembly of the TBM machine (Tunnel Boring Machine), which is going to drill a tunnel in Świnoujście, have been in progress. In the launching shaft, the soil processing TBM boring head has already been installed. The progress of machine assembly works stands at ca. 65%. This March, as soon as the works are completed, the TBM…

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PORR won the contract for LOT A

Warsaw, 18.12.2020, PORR S.A. and the Polish State Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.) signed the contract for the „Development of the design documentation and execution of construction works in the Design and Build system for the task called LOT A – Works on railway line 131 in section Chorzów Batory (km 5,900) – Nakło Śląskie (km 29,000) under the 5.1-14 POIiŚ Project called „Works on…

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PORR to supply Slab Track Austria Technology for the state-of-the-art HS2 project

Vienna, 14.12.2020 – PORR received another recognition of its expertise with the award of a EUR 286m (GBP 260m) contract to supply slab track for the most significant infrastructure project in Great Britain in centuries.

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Tunnel drilling on S3 route has started

Warsaw, 7.12.2020 – After about three months of works on the construction site of expressway S3 on the construction lot Bolków - Kamienna Góra North, drilling began for the construction of tunnel TS-26. The 2,300-metre-long passage will be Poland’s longest extra-urban tunnel drilled in rock. It is planned to finish works in the second half of 2023. The General Contractor of works is the consortium…

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Occupancy permit for LIXA AB obtained

Warsaw, 4.12.2020 - PORR S.A. has finished the construction of the first LIXA office building complex, Yareal Polska’s flagship investment project which has risen in Warsaw’s Wola district, near Daszyński Roundabout. In result of task execution, two buildings, covering 28,000 sqm of class A office space were erected. Under the investment project a 13-metre-tall tower was built at the junction of…

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PORR earnings burdened by COVID effects

Adjusted order backlog1 rises to EUR 6.8 bn Production output totals EUR 3.8 bn Q3 EBT negative at EUR -62.4m Positive outlook for 2021 Vienna, 26.11.2020 – Austria's second largest construction group, PORR, with about 20,000 employees, has generated production output of more than EUR 3.8 bn in its 9 countries in the first three quarters of 2020. The COVID pandemic has had a massive…

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